Hello everyone, we would just like you let you know that approx.

29 Nov 2022, 08:17
Hello everyone, we would just like you let you know that approx. 1.49M of fUSDT (Tether) has been paid back to the V1 platform and currently 1.25M is available as withdrawable liquidity for those with fUSDT (Tether) deposited. This was achieved in collaboration with Deus through a joint token-swap deal negotiated with a larger depositor. There will be further details to follow on this but we would like to thank everyone involved for helping to make this happen and while it is not the complete solution to ongoing issues with the V1 platform, it is another positive step forward on our long road to resolution. We would like to thank all of our users for bearing with us during this time while we work with Deus to resolve outstanding issues on V1 and thank you all greatly for your patience 🙏 ❤️ More details to follow 😊